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Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Campus Preacher

I came across a story the other day about a campus preacher at CalPoly who was preparing to extol the virtues of traditional marriage after basically telling them to repent or go to he*l.  Personally I sort of like to
hope for the day when 'we can all get along' to steal a thought from Rodney King.  I don't like bias, prejudice or anything similar, yet I'm realistic enough to know that may never happen.  So whenever I see a story
like this, I simply have to sit back and smile.

Campus Preacher At Loss For Words  (youtube video)

link to original story on HuffingtonPost

Campus preachers: when they're not explaining that women were made for men or arguing with professors, they're holding up signs that say, "You Deserve Rape."

One such extremist preacher was doing her thing at the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, Calif., recently, warning students that they must repent or go to hell, when two students apparently decided they'd had enough.

A video of the incident posted to YouTube and picked up by Gawker shows two men walking up next to the preacher and starting to wildly make out. The preacher goes quiet as onlookers begin cheering and clapping for the kissing students.

The YouTube user who posted the video, Nadira320, said the preacher "was just beginning a rant on traditional marriage and why gay people are evil when this happened. Highlight of my week."

Students have actually pulled this move before. In 2011, two students at the University of Texas kissed in front of anti-gay preacher Jed Smock. And both same-sex and heterosexual couples kissed in protest of a similar preacher at Yale University in 2010.

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