Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Davey Is Going Steady!!!!!!!!!

At first glance, you might not guess that beneath this gorgeous dress
lives sort of a boy.  His, or rather her name is Davey--sort of a takeoff
on her former boy name of David.  These days Davey is quite content
to live the life of a girl, but that wann't always the case.

A few years back, Davey was living (as a boy) is the Coronet Apartments,
a 73 unit apartment complex owned by CY Enterprises.  CY was owned
these days by Yvonne Marist, whose husband Carl had passed away
some 8 years ago.  One day a notice was posted on each apartment
door giving residents warning of some upcoming work to be done in
the apartments, mostly a remodeling of the kitchens and bathrooms.
Dave thought little of it and went to work on the scheduled day as
usual.  But later that day, when he arrived home, he discovered a note
on the kitchen table.  He read it, and went to grab  beer.  Oh crap.
Mrs. Marist had somehow discovered his stash of girls clothing, but how?
It was hidden in the back of the bedroom closet.  Right now that was
not critical.  The note was clear on what was expected of him--Mrs.
Marist expected him, or his alter ego Davey, for dinner the following
evening.  His hands were trembling....he wasn't sure if he really wanted
to do this, but his better judgement told him he probably should do as
asked.  After all, what could it hurt?  Crossdressing wasn't illegal, at
least in private.  What could possibly go wrong?

The next night Davey was at Mrs. Marist's apartment promptly at 7.  As 
the evening progressed, Davey would soon learn.  Mrs. Marist insisted
that Davey begin working at CY Enterprises beginning the next day.
She said that since Dave seemed like girls' clothes, she was going to
help him experience all things girly.  And with her help, and her cash
backing, Davey slowly adapted and adjusted.  Her wardrobe expanded,
breast implants followed, and hormones started.  Mrs. Marist even
began arranging dates for Davey.  Today Davey is a happy girl.  Brad
Maxwell had asked her to go steady.  And for the very first time, Davey
is wishing her shriveled penis could somehow be turned inward, and
become a vagina.  Now to talk Mrs Marist into paying for that too.

One of these days Davey will find that out, and also discover that Brad
is actually the nephew of Yvonne Marist.

I really like that dress...........just FYI

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