...entertainment for discerning adults.....if you can't handle adult topics and pictures, you may want to go elsewhere. i search many websites as i look for my images and in the process may not always give proper credit. if you feel you need credit for an image, please let me know.
That's one story I don't think I saw on the news. Is this an actual event ; a You-Tube Hoax, or a Hollywood special effect ? Did they eve finish that ping-pong game ? I know if something like that happened to me ; I;d have to have a good stiff belt of alcohol to calm me down, and then change by shorts, which would probably be very full. Ftygrl, ")
That's one story I don't think I saw on the news. Is this an actual event ; a You-Tube Hoax, or a Hollywood special effect ? Did they eve finish that ping-pong game ? I know if something like that happened to me ; I;d have to have a good stiff belt of alcohol to calm me down, and then change by shorts, which would probably be very full.
no, i think this was staged. but it was done really well.