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Saturday, January 25, 2014

I Agree....;Just Stop

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In what can only be described as a mid-sized temper tantrum, lawmakers in Oklahoma are considering ending the institution of marriage in the state as a way to avoid having to eventually legalize marriage equality. 
Rep. Mike Turner has openly said that this move would be an attempt to prevent same-sex marriages from happening while still being constitutional (hmm?). He thinks it’s a “realistic opportunity,” especially now that other conservatives are up in arms over a judge ruling Oklahoma’s same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional. 
"I think that, especially with issues like this, [these lawmakers are] out of touch with most Oklahomans," said Ryan Kiesel, ACLU Oklahoma executive detector.
Kiesel says prohibiting all marriage is new territory. In fact, the ACLU was unable to find an example of where a state has ever tried to ban all marriage. Kiesel believes the entire idea just boils down to politics.
"Moving forward I think we’ll see less efforts like this," Kiesel said.
Turner admits his idea makes a lot of people uncomfortable. He also says, “I accept that.” Turner plans to wait until the federal appeals process plays out. The fight over Oklahoma’s ban on same-sex marriage will now head to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. 
If you can’t beat ‘em…screw everyone else over, too? This is so ridiculous and petty. Just stop. 

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I Hate To Do This, But


this photo shows the high speed chase just before the Bieb was stopped and arrested....

OK, TWO........................

............and now his many fans can't wait to welcome him to his new home..........

Jack & Alfred

Friday, January 24, 2014

oh no

......not feeling well---i don't need this.  may it be better by tomorrow

UPdATE......    this may be a medication issue.  i will watch it, but a similar thing happened with a medicine that is a cousin to the.  shame too, because for the problem i have in my  lungs, Rifampin or Rifabutin are
two of the standard antibiotics for the treatment.  Any others are a step-down in the care.

getting right in there