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Friday, July 25, 2014

Finding Those Missing Emails

Meet Giselle.  She has quite an interesting
story to tell you folks.  Giselle, you can go ahead
and tell people what happened.

Thanks Mitch.  And thanks to all of you for
coming this afternoon.  Please hold all of
your questions until later please.  I sort of
get confused easily these days.  I didn't
always look like this.  You see I used to work
as a guy in the IT area as a tech specialist. 
Well, one day I was servicing some of the
backup systems buried deep in the basement.  I
came across one that appeared to hold many
of the missing emails of Lois Lerner and of
many of her associates.  I spent a few
minutes looking through some of them and
realized what I had found.  I notified my
unit supervisor, and soon a group of men
all dressed in black suits and sunglasses
showed up.  They seemed grateful for my
discovery, and thanked me a whole bunch.
I was even told that they were sure the
top lady would want to meet me.  Well, after
a few days I received an email telling to meet
her for lunch in the second floor executive
dining room.  Of course, I was ecstatic and all.
I headed to the elevator and pushed the button
for the second floor.  But I never made it.  On
the way up the elevator stopped on a floor I
never even knew we had.  It wasn't even shown
on the panel.  Anyway, I was met by 4 men in
all black, even wore sunglasses inside.  I was
then escorted to a back stairway and then out
to a black car with heavily tinted windows.  I
was driven somewhere and then taken up an
elevator to what looked like a hospital floor.
I really don't remember much after that until
I finally work up here.  They messed with my
body.  Made me a girl.  And messed with my
mind.  I can't even remember how to run a darn
computer now.  All I can do now is make money
as a prostitute.  I hate it.  I know you don't really
believe me and all.  But, hey, if you want to
schedule a time with me, the book is on the
table.  I'm really good in bed, too.  I'll give you
a discount if you do.

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