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Friday, February 27, 2015

Another Update For The Approval Of The Judge

I Never Wear Panties

The Stranglehold Of Fear


So I Don't Know What Is Going On.......stay tuned

In an abrupt about-face, Google announced early Friday morning that it would reverse a content policy change made just three days earlier that banned the users of the Blogger platform from sharing sexually explicit or graphic nudity on their sites.

The Verge reports that Google’s Blogger Team posted an update to the company’s product forums backtracking on the earlier decision to enforce a more stringent content policy.
According to the forum post, Google made the decision to reverse the policy – which gave users until March 23 to remove sexually suggestive images or have their blogs will be pulled from public searches – after receiving a great deal of feedback from users.

“We’ve had a ton of feedback, in particular about the introduction of a retroactive change (some people have had accounts for 10+ years), but also about the negative impact on individuals who post sexually explicit content to express their identities,” the company said in the post. “So rather than implement this change, we’ve decided to step up enforcement around our existing policy prohibiting commercial porn.”

Despite the policy one-eighty, the Blogger Team requested that users continue to mark any blogs containing sexually explicit content as “adult” so that an “adult content” pop-up warning can be put in place.

The policy announced this week limited nudity on Blogger sites to that which offered a “substantial public benefit, for example artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts.”

Google reverses decision to ban adult content on Blogger [The Verge]


It's For You, Larry

The Office

All For Charity

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Accept The Fact! Be Submissive..............

Making A Good Maid

guess the 'doe' should be 'for'

Set Up! And Now Steve Pays

So What's Going On, He Wondered?

Jack Thought There Was Something Sinister About Him

$5 Says You Get Laid Before I Do

Do You Want To Get Dressed Up With Me?

I'm Going To Finish What I Started


Hey, let me just say how grateful I am for all of you who follow me here.  And I do hope that when this blog does move, that everyone will follow me.  Right now I'm getting an average of 7000 visitor views a day, which is good for a TG caption blog.  And Wordpress does not have a counter that I can see.  So in the future I will not be able to see how people are reacting.  But, most options do leave an option for comments, which is nice.  

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

He Caught The Swap Flu, H27N3

There Was More To The Plan

The Four Valedictorians

New Owners Had A Different Curriculum In Mind

another update

Today I made an commitment and registered for a blog on Wordpress.  From what I can see, the options for design and layout are not anywhere near what Blogger has available, so my new blog will have a new layout.  But I'll make it work.

These days I am very frustrated with the apparent increase in censorship here in this country.  We not only have Google deciding that adults should see these TG blogs, but even worse, we have in the making a government takeover of the internet looming under the guise of "internet neutrality."  The result is  332-page regulation that, like barrycare, we won't be able to learn what is in those 332 pages until after the new regulations are approved....likely tomorrow.  The concept of internet neutrality was sold to us with the argument that internet providers were slowing down the feeds from certain content providers at the expense of others.  Personally, I never saw that.  But if that was all there was to it, the government wouldn't need 332 pages to remedy that.  Maybe 3 or 4.  Nope, there is more to this proposal than we know, and I can think back to the expression that should scare most people:  I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.

Anyway, you don't want to hear me on my soapbox.  In due time I will make known the new address of the new blog.  


How Did You Know About Sandie?

Mission Accomplished!

I'll Make You A Deal

Update On New Google/Blogger Policy

I will keep posting captions.  I will likely move to a Wordpress account, and maybe double-post to my Tumblr blog.

I am not pleased with this new change, and non of the other bloggers on Blogspot are either.  I do not agree with censorship, but I admit that Google has the right to do this.

Deviant Art is another alternative, but I was refused membership into some TG caption group when I first started, so I'm not keen on that.

I will keep you posted.  And yes, if I had the money, I would get my own .com site.


Sex Change On Live TV

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


You Can Take The Video, Honey

Harder, He Screamed.....Harder

Playing Dumb Didn't Work

I'm Trans Too

anywigwilldo the-wanderingstar
Based on a true story.
this comic is disgusting
bruh if you identify as like a carpet or a fucking alligator youre not trans youre a joke
oh thank god I was starting to think we would never stop tiptoeing around this one
Transgender has to do with genders, not objects, animals, or mythical creatures. Thank you. 
The notes make me so happy.
Remember kids, transGENDER means gender. It has nothing to do with otherkin. Nothing. Literally nothing.
disneybombshell i feel like this goes along with the godkin bullshit idk