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Monday, September 3, 2012

The New File Clerk

As manager of the branch office of Williams and Andrews
Abstract Company, Charles was able to keep the office staffed with young, attractive women.  Had he simply stopped at that, there wouldn't have been any problems.  However, Charles knew the economy was in a major recession, and because of that, he regularly made advances at the women in the office, threatening to fire anyone who resisted him.  It didn't take long for the women to notify the corporate office about this harassment, and to threaten a lawsuit if it wasn't stopped immediately.
The main office knew a lawsuit could be expensive, and immediately arranged for
the executive vice president to meet with the girls the next night to discuss the issue.  After work all of the women met with the vice president, and explained their positions.  The women were also asked how they wanted the matter handled.  The next morning the executive vice president walked into Charles' office and closed the door.  When he came out about 20 minutes later, he called the staff together and informed them that a new branch manager would be arriving in 3 day.  In addition, he told everyone that beginning tomorrow, Charles would begin working in the office as a lowly file clerk, and that as Carla he would be adhering to a rather strict dress code---no slacks for one.  He would be required to wear heels, pantyhose, and short skirts daily.  He also told the girls that Carla was fair game for them to make life miserable for.

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